Database & Analytics

Data Warehousing

A team of senior SQL Server developers use ETL tools like SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to pull your data together into data warehouses and data marts, allowing for accurate & standardized reporting.

SQL Server Management

Patsoft’s team of senior SQL Server database administrators who provide coverage of your SQL Server support & management needs all day, every day. Keep your mission-critical database systems online together with your business.

Business Intelligence

Reporting Tools like Power BI make this easier than ever, but you need database experts to properly load, model & optimize your data to achieve true business intelligence. Patsoft’s report developers go above and beyond basic report development and provide consulting to make your reports powerful, flexible, and relevant for your entire team.

Azure SQL Cloud Migration

Migrating your databases to the cloud with Microsoft Azure SQL not only reduces your infrastructure footprint and maintenance, but you also automatically get the latest SQL Server features (no need to regularly upgrade). With Azure SQL, automatic backups and mainte nance are a simple procedure. Even some Enterprise-only features like TDE (encryption at rest) are included with Azure SQL at no extra cost.  Patsoft’s database team regularly builds new database systems in Azure and stays on top of the latest developments. Our DBA team helps you move your databases to the cloud.
